The Story
While one of our nurse volunteers was providing healthcare to the school children in Ghana she got word that a child in a nearby village 'had a big head' and needed surgery. She was able to facilitate a CT scan and Neurosurgery visit, and as it turns out this child was diagnosed with hydrocephalus. This diagnosis has only a 50% survival to 3 years of age, and even if a child survives to this age they end up with severe developmental delays due to less brain development and gross motor delay due to the large head size.
Our Goal
The surgery consists of a shunt being placed in the brain to the abdomen. This device helps relieve the fluid off of the brain, and place it somewhere his body can absorb it and then get rid of the excess fluid.
We have started this fundraiser in order to raise $2,500 for Baby Adom’s preoperative, surgical, and post operative care. This includes all testing, labs, medications, surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, hygiene care needs, and post hospital home stay to enable a uncomplicated recovery. We hope you will join us in helping this baby have a chance at a healthy and happy life!