How are you different from other organizations?
Many organizations focus on fixing acute problems. Setting up week long clinics and treating as many people as possible. This is great if the problem is a one time issue, but normally the problem is not as simple as a sinus infection or upset stomach. We try to prevent disease before it starts. We focus on children and their communities by partnering with existing organizations that are already involved with this target population. We partner with local dentists, doctors, and optometrists to create a sustainable model of care even after our nurses leave. We also subsidize part of the RNs trip. These components set us apart from the majority of existing healthcare non-profits.
Who do you help?
We mainly focus our efforts in schools, shelters, and vetted orphanages so our largest population are school-age children. After we have helped the kids, we go into their communities to help the elderly, malnourished, mothers needing lactation consulting, and expecting mothers needing prenatal screening or education. We also do extensive teaching to the communities so that our education efforts reach hundreds to thousands of people every trip.
What do you do?
We focus on preventing disease. We accomplish this through eye exams, physicals, immunizations, nutrition screenings, workshops, and classes on topics such a proper hygiene, reproductive health, lactation needs, and disease prevention. Many health conditions require follow up so our partnership with LOCAL doctors, clinics, dentists, and optometrists allows for any child identified as needing care to be seen (for free or at a steep discount) at the local level. This helps create a culture of healthcare at the local level instead of the people relying solely on the charity of international healthcare organizations (which is much more costly).
After our health exams we spend a significant amount of time on interactive education with the children. This helps solidifies our message in the kid’s minds, and makes the learning more fun. All education is always done in their native language. If these health conditions can be prevented in the first place then the health of not only a generation, but of a nation can be improved.
Where do you go?
We focus our efforts in developing countries. We currently have partnerships with NGOs in Mexico, Cambodia, Ghana, Laos, and the Philippines. If you know of any site that might need our assistance please e-mail us with the information.
How do you help?
Preventative care and education means anything from physicals and vaccines, to teaching proper sanitation practices such as the importance of washing your hands after using the bathroom, or after handling raw meat, or not disposing of trash and/or feces in your fresh water supply. We team up with local doctors, dentists, optometrists, and clinics for those in need of follow-up. The organization provides the funds or supplies necessary to help the people in these circumstances.
I want to go on a trip, and have already applied when should I hear back?
Thank you for your interest! We keep a list of all potential volunteers, and pick from that list every time we have a team trip planned. The approximate dates are listed under future projects. We generally do interviews ~6 months prior to a mission trip, and send out invites to join ~5 months prior to the trip. The trip is confirmed once all volunteers who have verbally confirmed submit their final deposit!
What gives me a better chance of joining a trip?
In general we take volunteers from various cities, specialty areas, and with differing mission trip experience. We have to take at least 2 from LAX (as we hand carry many supplies), but other than that the group is diverse. Those volunteers that show interest in our work on a social media level are also noted as we can’t exist without our mission being spread. While none of these things are a requirement we look at everything to decide between our many volunteer options!
How much does one mission trip cost?
Most trips have been calculated to cost between $7,000-$20,000 depending on the length, number of people, supplies needed and location. Obviously a trip to Mexico will be cheaper than a trip to Africa. The cost breaks down to somewhere between $1,100-$3,000 per person.
I want to donate supplies what do you need?
We are lucky to have some items donated for our trips! A current list of items needed that are available on amazon is listed here:
This charity list is similar to a wedding registry, and lets us know the number of item(s) purchased, and how many more we need. **Please note that amazon does not reveal who made the donation to our organization, so while we would like to thank you there is no way for us to know who you generous people are without sending us a message via the contact form on our site! The kids appreciate the supplies regardless!!
This button below allows you to make a monetary donation to our cause! Here is a list of some of the items your donation goes towards!
*updated Feb 2020